derived object

英 [dɪˈraɪvd ˈɒbdʒɪkt] 美 [dɪˈraɪvd ˈɑːbdʒekt]

网络  派生对象; 衍生物件



  1. In this sample, only one database is used, but in a multiple database solution, the derived business object classes can override this method, returning their appropriate home Notes database instance.
  2. In this example, a private String attribute can also be declared in derived business object classes, called dbName, with the name of the appropriate database.
  3. Actually almost all of the objects described in the SQL model are derived from the SQL object, and they automatically have name, description, and label properties.
  4. From this figure, you can see that databases and schemas are derived from the SQL object, and therefore they have properties, such as name, description, and label.
  5. The information derived from the SAML assertions is to take precedence over that passed as immediate attributes of the control object.
  6. The sources from which names are derived are almost endless: nicknames, physical attributes, counties, trades, heraldic charges, and almost every object known to mankind.
  7. As a result, you can exactly substitute an object of the derived class for an object of the base class.
  8. Unless it is a bit-field ( 9.6), a most derived object shall have a non-zero size and shall occupy one or more bytes of storage.
  9. You will learn that all classes are derived from the Object class, and how to modify the methods that a subclass inherits from superclasses.
  10. The joint probability density function of distances is derived for the convenience of object recognition when the distance is known.
  11. Returns a collection of objects derived from this object.
  12. The SIFT keys derived from an image are used in a nearest-neighbour approach to indexing to identify candidate object models.
  13. One of the most important things you do with such a family of classes is to treat an object of a derived class as an object of the base class.
  14. When the function is called through a derived object, the arguments must match a version of the function defined in the derived class.
  15. The texture information can be estimated by using gray level co occurrence matrix from which 12 texture images can be derived. The object can be easily generated by computer, both black white and gray level object can be used in our method.
  16. The iterative relations to calculate the object image and turbulence ′ s point spread functions alternately were derived by maximizing the likelihood function, estimating the object image and the point spread functions.
  17. New equation is derived from an object function by means of initial values af-ter the differential equation of deflection in the simply supported beam with step func-tion, and dirac function is laplace transformed and inverse transformed.
  18. This paper focuses on RNT-tree, an index method derived from R-Tree. Using polygons embedded in the road network as the basic processing object, the RNT-tree is able to avoid overlapping area and makes the path of query exclusive.
  19. The forward dynamic model is derived according to the kinematic and dynamic constraints between the operated object and environment.
  20. Derived from the theory of mass media technology in the medium-term, it entered into the late technological determinism of the pessimist "fatal strategy" of object.
  21. Second, the definition of roughness kernel matrix is presented in the course of constructing the model constraint object function, and a concise equation of it is derived. Thus the construction of the model object function becomes very simple and direct.
  22. The classical literary theories that are derived from the classical artistic spirit are characterized by text-centered object of study and the universalization of theories, thus effacing the versatility of literary ecology.
  23. This system merged and expanded the CIM file derived by each automation system, established complete line loss object model with line splitting, voltage grading, and zoning.
  24. The dynamic models of the cooperation of the flexible robot arms have been derived, which can be used to obtain the trajectory of the mass center of the cooperated object for given joint input.
  25. The formula of the two-dimensional multi-objects is derived, then composite EM scattering from the object on one-dimensional rough surface is studied.
  26. A request probability estimation function is derived for the target node selection and object for early replication.
  27. The two-dimensional hybrid current-based method is presented in detail, and the formulation of this hybrid algorithm is derived. Then the bistatic scattering of an object located on one dimensional rough surface is computed by this hybrid algorithm.
  28. Dynamic textures, which are the sequences of video images, not only contain the static information derived from the structure of object, but also contain the rich motion information of object.
  29. The formulation of PO based on triangular facets is derived, and the object is subdivided into MoM region and PO region further.